Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Brush with fame ....

Had the opportunity to go see the Tennis Legends Pete Sampras and John Mcenro in action, and jumped at the chance.
Was surprised to actually see 2 matches, I was under the impression I was paying only to see the sampras-mcenro match.
Turned out we also had the entertaining Pat Cash vs Wayne Ferriera match too.
We were late and were hurrying towards our seats when to the shock of all of us .. Peta Sampras walked by .. just a feet away .. I have even convinced myself that he actually took a step away from us .. else we would have collided .. we were that close :D

Turned out the Cash - Ferriera match was more entertaining .. with the Aussie pullnig a lot of tricks to keep the audience chukling. Very sporting that chap.
He lost, but thats besides the point.
In walked in John Mcnro and Pete Sampras .. It was a thrilling moment, never had I dreamt that I would see these legends.
The match itself was very onsdied, and the only entertainment came with Mcenro living up to his Bad-boy image .. complaining regularly about line calls .. I think it was more to do withproviding a show to the people who had turned up.
Sampras was sober as ever .. and looked to be in great touch.
In between games, I would run down and try to get close-up shots of Both Mcenro and Sampras .. in ojne of the shots below, looks like I caught their eyes and were looking straight at me ... nuff said :D

He's looking at me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pistol Pete's Back

Us and them

Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu thi :D

Wayne Ferriera

Pat Cash!!

Want some Mate?!

See the guy diagonally behind Mcenro

Bad Boy - throwing a tantrum

Hes looking at me too .. uh oh .. I hope I have the flash off ..
else he''ll have me thrown out :D

Game Over
