Saturday, October 08, 2005

Foggy Boston

Fog in Boston is rare indeed, its more of a case of Low altitude clouds descending here .. but as a side effect of Ophelia, the tropical storm in this remarkable storm season, Boston did see Fog .. dont ask me how but.
I was to leave for Denver on Friday and was hurrying on my way to a Book reading session from Terry Pratchett.
As I neared the South Station Subway, saw this eerie and haunting scene,
the old fashioned South station architecture stark next to the sky scraper of the Boston Bank, half obscured by Fog.

Just had the time to catch a couple of snaps here before I hurried to my book reading session, which will be part of another blog !
As an aside, was researching how the storms are named, and they are alphabetically named, alternating between the Female Gender and Male gender.
Also, that if a certain hurricane causes exceptional damage, then the name is rested and cannot be used for the next 4 years .. going by that .. dont think we will see another hurricane by the name of Katrina for the next 4 years at least .. Actually lets hope there is none as bad as that ever.

PS: Terry Pratchett :-)


At 1:47 PM, Blogger Vidya said...

Sorry am replying here. But here's whatz in store for ya! :-)

Daily Overview for October 08, 2005

Explore a new place. It doesn't have to be exotic to anyone but you -- Get going!

If there's any doubt in your mind about how to answer a romantic question, don't say a word, no matter how much the impetuous side of you wants to cut to the chase and get it over with.


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